September 10, 2023
We are passionate about the mission. And that passion drives us to speak, act, and live in a way that shows other people who we are. However, sometimes we think that fancy programs, special events, well-written prayers and sermons are necessary to share that good news. It turns out that the greatest tool for accomplishing the mission belongs to each of us… our testimony.
September 17, 2023
Teammates stir up passion in our lives. There was a reason Jesus formed a team of apostles, a larger team of disciples, and sent them out as teams - two by two.
The answer to getting up when you are feeling down is found in this simple principle Jesus taught and lived; we are better together!
September 24, 2023
Let's talk about one of the greatest gifts God has given us – systems. We never intend to get derailed, but it can happen when we take our eyes off Jesus.
When we find ourselves losing momentum, God often uses systems He created to help us gain or regain the spiritual momentum we lost.